Reshaping Viscoelastic-String Path-Planner (RVP)

Published in IROS 2023, 2023

Recommended citation: Sarvesh Mayilvahanan, Akshay Sarvesh, and Swaminathan Gopalswamy. "Reshaping Viscoelastic-String Path-Planner (RVP)." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00947 (2023).

We present Reshaping Viscoelastic-String Path-Planner a path planner that reshapes a desired global plan for a robotic vehicle based on sensor observations of the environment. We model the path to be a viscoelastic string with shape preserving tendencies, approximated by a connected series of springs, masses, and dampers. The resultant path is then reshaped according to the forces emanating from the obstacles until an equilibrium is reached.

    title={Reshaping Viscoelastic-String Path-Planner (RVP)},
    author={Mayilvahanan, Sarvesh and Sarvesh, Akshay and Gopalswamy, Swaminathan},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00947},
